Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The geology of Iceland is unique and of particular interest to geologists. Iceland lies on the geologic rift between the Eurasian plate and North American plates.--- The volcano erupts because of diverging plates of North American plates in the south and another in the east.

Monitoring the Volcano:
-what to monitor?
Volcanic temperature, water level, lakes, mass movements like rock falls, mud flow, seismicity.
-why must we monitor?
plot geology maps- show changes before volcano erupts.
Volcanoes have their benefits and down sides.
risks- health and death, tourism, flights, business, daily activity.

what materials spew out of a active material? ash, smoke, lava, liquid and solid and gases. For gases, there is mostly steam, and poisonous gases can escape too.

What is one symptom geologists can rely on in preparation for an eruption?

There will be massive earthquake before an eruption. The scientists will go an observe rocks near the volcano areas, to see if the rocks are “strained.”

I've done a bit more research on monitoring:
Another term to describe volano monitoring is observation. The observation mostly takes not of the systematic seismicity(movement of the globe) and other physical changes, earthquakes, volcanic gas and conditions of the water cycle during eruptions. When a volcano is observed erupting, geologists characterize the volcano's eruptive behaviour. They also try to identify the main reason why the volcano erupts. The main reasons are mostly because of the different kinds of materials that have been deposited at various places, which may be hazardous. Because geologists observe these moments, it is possible to anticipate eruptions.
An example of volcanoes that have been observed or are being observed are Mount Cayley, Silverthrone Caldera and Mount Hooloo.

Samantha Samuel.

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