Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Geological explanation of conditions of an erupting volcano

1. divergence plate( north american and european)
2. lies above a hotspot

Monitoring the volcanic activity

1. WHAT?? What about a volcano's activity do we monitor?

- volcanic temperature, water level, lakes, mass movement like rock falls, mud flow and seismicity

2. WHY?? Why do we monitor a volcano's activity?

-Plot geology maps- show changes before a volcano erupts
- Risks- health and death
- tourism, business, flights and daily activities

What materials spew out of the volcano?

- ash, smoke, lava, poisonous gases like carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and hydrogen chloride

One symptom geologists could rely on in preparation for an eruption- more powerful earthquakes, animals' strange behaviour, rumbling noise

The 2010 eruption of the Iceland volcano begin on 20 March, this caused many flights to and from Europe to be cancelled, creating the highest level of air travel disruption since World War 2. The second phase started on the 14 April, which resulted in an ash cloud which was estimated to be about 250 million cubic metres.

Tabitha Chiam

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