Friday, January 29, 2010

En Qi: Physical Vs Human Environment-Which is more important?

En Qi here! :)

Personally, I think that the physical environment is more important than the human environment, because without even the physical environment in the first place, how can human environment be here? Basically the physical environment consists of physical features that occur naturally on the Earth hence are not created by people (such as rivers and mountains) while the human environment occurs when a physical environment is changed due to human activities (such as fields for crops that used to be a forest). The physical environment is something we all need, and is very important, although there may be natural disasters and such, it is still more important than the human environment. If we compare how the Earth is a thousand years ago (not even a thousand, a few hundred!) with the Earth is now, we can see a tremendous difference as a result of human activities. For example, the sea is rising at a very fast rate. Global warming is becoming a huge issue now. All of these has do to with the human environment. A long time ago the Earth was a very beautiful place, no pollution, not many extinct/endangered animals, etc. So who is to blame? Definitely not the Earth.

Of course, we cannot entirely blame us humans. The human environment is very important as well, because it improves our standard of living too. Now in the modern age, we have advanced technology and medical sciences. Singapore is a largely human environment, and we can see how much that has impacted us positively. Once a largely physical environment, we have transformed an island once covered with forests into a bustling city.

I feel that the physical environment is more important than the human environment. As we are dependent on the environment for survival, we should do our best to take care of it and respect it. :)

(Sorry if this post doesn't make sense a bit but I did this in a rush!)

En Qi~


  1. Agreed. Though I think that it's also about the universe, not just earth.

  2. Oops I think I commented on the wrong post. The previous comment is supposed to be for Samantha's post.

  3. Erm Enqi i think you can talk more about what kind of physical features but the other parts are elaborate and clear=D great work
