2) What I need to find out:
· Is it really people whom are the culprits of littering?
· Take photographs of people littering, of litter(big and small)
· Interview shopkeepers and cleaners (below are sample questions we came up in advance)
§ Have you ever seen anyone litter in this area? How often?
§ What kind of litter?
§ What time of the day does this usually occur?
§ Does this affect your business?
§ Do you see birds eating the litter?
§ Have you ever seen animals die from eating the litter?
· Find evidence – Rubbish : glass, bottles, cans, matches, condoms, chicken bones, food waste
3) Methodology
1. Search for people littering and take photographs of them littering.
2. Take photos of litter found
3. Interview shopkeepers and cleaners there.
4) Results
1. Piles of ashes on tree roots
· People leave charcoal behind probably because they are either lazy to clear it or because charcoal is biodegradable.
· However, if it rains, the chemicals from the charcoal will pollute the underground water.
2. The tides affect the amount of rubbish collected on shores (high tide – more rubbish, low tide – less rubbish)
5. There is a lot of leftover food from the barbeque pits.
6. Rubbish is also present around the benches.
(Peanut shells and other litter under benches)
7. There were also no littering signs which shows that people littered in the area.

8. Types of trees may also affect the amount of pollution in an area. If a tree has many branches, birds are able to perch on it and may litter. If it doesn’t have any branches such as the coconut tree, birds will not be able to perch on it and litter.

8. Land may become barren due to camping activities as it is burnt to start a fire.
5) Statistics
1. There were 4 garbage bins every barbeque pit, and 2 barbeque pits every 100m, each 4-5m apart.
2. We interviewed the cleaner picking rubbish by the coast
· Qn How much bags of rubbish do you collect a day?
Ans: If there is little rubbish, 100 bags a day. If there is a lot of rubbish, 600-100 bags are collected a day.
· Qn When is a lot of rubbish is collected?
Ans: In the later part of the year. (June to December)
(size of bag)
3. We also interviewed a cleaner who was picking rubbish around the barbeque pits, shelters and jogging/walking paths.
Qn: How many bags of rubbish do you collect everyday?
Ans: About 60-70 bags a day. If it is more crowded, such as on weekends or public holidays, about 100 bags are collected.
I felt that this trip was quite beneficial and pretty fun tooJ. This project opened my eyes to the present state of
Tabitha Chiam ;)
I felt this trip was quite fun and educational. It made know more about how the beach is polluted based on evidence we found. I did not know
Kimberly Kiong
I think this trip was very fun and enjoyable and I also learnt many things. I also saw that the beach was actually much polluted and there was a lot of litter. And even though Singapore is known as the ‘clean and green city’ worldwide, there is still quite a lot of litter at the beach and in Singapore. I feel that the biggest obstacle was asking the cleaners who were picking rubbish questions because one of them only spoke Chinese, so we had to roughly translate our questions to Chinese. We also had difficulty when they did not understand our question. I think that even though littering is illegal in Singapore, some people still litter and I hope that most Singaporeans will develop the habit of not littering even if there isn’t a rubbish bin nearby so that Singapore can live up to its name of being a clean and green city.
Evangel Teo
ReplyDeleteThis is an interesting study you have done, littering is really problem in Singapore. We happen to have an army of workers to clean up the mess everyday, portraying the impression that Singapore is clean.
If you have any ideas to share on how to tackle this littering problem, I hope you can drop an email to the ECP NParks office.