Wednesday, April 7, 2010


  1. I think that all the lines(red/black/grey/black dotted line) represents different raods leading to different places.

  2. Samantha Lye said:
    I think the red line represents a trail

  3. I think the black line represent roads while the dotted black line represent railway tracks.

  4. I think the dotted black lines represents railway tracks, black lines represents roads for cars,grey lines represents a highway and red lines represents pavement.The blue lines and blue patches represent rivers and lakes.This topographical map consists of both human and physical environment.The human environment consists of High Sierra Camp, roads, cathedrals... while the physical environment consists of Mountains such as Mt Hoffmann and lakes such as Wegner Lake and Grant Lake.

  5. I think the dotted black lines represent railway tracks and the black and red lines reprsent different roads.

  6. why do you think the red line goes across the northern part of the map, linking with the black line across the southern part of the map?

  7. Why are there so many lakes in this map?
